Comparative of adjectives exercise - answers

  • 1. Our further research should prove it.
  • 2. It will be easier to remove it now.
  • 3. The weather today is worse than it was yesterday.
  • 4. My older brother is a lawyer.
  • 5. Hit it harder.
  • 6. It stank worse than you could imagine.
  • 7. Who is a better driver: you or your wife?
  • 8. Here is a more detailed map.
  • 9. Neptune is farther away from the Sun than Jupiter.
  • 10. Mary cooks better than I do.
  • 11. I lost less than I'd thought.
  • 12. He treats the boy worse than his dog.
  • 13. I don't want any further hints.
  • 14. It is farther away than I've expected.
  • 15. John is a better actor than I am.
  • 16. This copy is in a better condition.
  • 17. I got more than they'd promised.
  • 18. His younger sister is nicer than his older sister.
  • 19. It took me longer than you think.
  • 20. I sleep better now.