English exercise passive voice

English exercise passive voice. Transform the following sentences in active voice into sentences in passive voice in English. The sentences should be in the tense indicated by the words in bold.
1. My car / damage / last night. past
My car last night.
2. This computer / make / in the USA. present
This computer in the USA.
3. The machines / make / in Scotland. present
The machine in Scotland.
4. The President / kill / last night. past
The President last night.
5. The money / change into dollars / at the bank. present
The money into dollars at the bank.
6. The parcel / post / yesterday. past
The parcel yesterday.
7. Cheese / make / from milk. present
Cheese from milk.
8. The children / give / some food. past
The children some food.
9. The house / paint / every year. present
The house every year.
10. Several people / be hurt / in an accident last night. past
Several people in an accident last night.
11. This girl / expect / at home at ten. present
The girl at home at ten.
12. I /tell / that this was the best way. past
I that this was the best way.
13. The bed / sleep in / by the big dirty dog. past
The bed in by the big dirty dog.
14. My friend / follow / by many beautiful girls. past
My friend by many beautiful girls.