Jobs and occupations exercises in English

Jobs and occupations exercises in English. In order to start this exercise you should click the button NEXT and try to recall the English name for the definition of the job described. If you want to check your answer you should again the button NEXT. If you have already memorized the word, you can remove it from this round of revision by clicking the button I REMEMBER.
works with animalsfarmer
writes for a newspaperjournalist
looks after your teethdentist
sells you thingsshop assistant
buys and sells thingstrader
makes clothestailor
can arrest peoplepolice officer / policeman / policewoman
prepares food in a restaurantchef / cook
changes texts into another languagetranslator
makes decisions in a court of lawjudge
designs houses and other buildingsarchitect
understands how people’s minds workpsychologist
repairs water pipes in your houseplumber
looks after people who are illnurse / doctor
stops firesfirefighter
books your holidaystravel agent
serves drinksbarman
makes furniturecarpenter
works in the parliamentpolitician
plays a musical instrumentmusician
plays on a courttennis player
works in a theatreactor / actress
serves disheswaiter / waitress
builds roads and buildingsengineer
works with pupilsteacher
works with patientsdoctor / nurse
works with electricityelectrician
can repair a carmechanic
can work in a courtjudge / lawyer