Present Continuous and Simple Present exercises - answers

  • 1. Then she gets up.
  • What does she do then?
  • 2. She cleans the house.
  • What does she do?
  • 3. Tom wakes his wife.
  • Who wakes his wife?
  • 4. She does the shopping.
  • What does she do?
  • 5. She gives them dinner when they come back.
  • When does she give them dinner?
  • 6. Sometimes she does the washing up.
  • What does she sometimes do?
  • 7. Tom’s wife is very happy.
  • Whose wife is very happy?
  • 8. He begins his work at eight.
  • What does he begin at eight?
  • 9. He begins his work at eight.
  • When does he begin his work?
  • 10. She often talks to people at the bus stop.
  • Who does she often talk to?