Mowa zależna ćwiczenia test - odpowiedzi


Przekształć następujące zdania na Mowę Zależna w języku angielskim. Aby sprawdzić swoje odpowiedzi kliknij na trzy znaki zapytania.

Potrzebujesz pomocy?

Mowa zależna
  • We visited her this morning.
  • They said they had visited her that morning.

  • We’ll see her next summer.
  • They said they would see her the following summer.

  • They were there three months ago.
  • He said they had been there three months before.

  • I’m meeting them at four o’clock today.
  • He said he was meeting them at four o’clock that day.

  • I can’t see you tomorrow.
  • She said she couldn’t see me the next day / the following day.

  • He is going to Berlin tomorrow.
  • She said he was going to Berlin the next day / the following day.

  • I’ll come as soon as I can.
  • He said he would come as soon as he could.

  • I’ve sold all those you gave me yesterday.
  • He said he had sold all those I had given him the day before.

  • That is the last time I saw him.
  • She said that was the last time she had seen him.

  • We’ll meet tomorrow.
  • They said they would meet the next day / the following day.