Focus English Online English version

Articles: a/an vs. some/any - odpowiedzi

  • 1. I want a ticket to London, please.
  • 2. Cars cause x pollution.
  • 3. Look, there is an aeroplane in the sky.
  • 4. There are some clouds in the sky today but the weather is fine.
  • 5. Be careful! There is a car in front of us.
  • 6. I have some old records here.
  • 7. I want a writing pad, a pen, and some ink.
  • 8. There isn't any ink in my pen.
  • 9. I've never met an Eskimo.
  • 10. English teachers should know x English well.
  • 11. Have you got any cigarettes on you?
  • 12. Cigarettes are bad for your x health.
  • 13. Fetch me some apples, please.
  • 14. Everybody likes getting x flowers.
  • 15 Stamps are made of x paper.
  • 16. There's some soot on your forehead.
  • 17. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of x vitamins.
  • 18. There are some letters for you, John.
  • 19. I wonder if there are any mistakes in my test.
  • 20. Have you got any books on English phonetics?
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