Angielski should have - odpowiedzi

  • You should do = powinieneś zrobić something to cheer her up.
  • They should have got = powinni byli otrzymać our letter at least a week ago.
  • She should have been informed = powinna była być poinformowana where she could get the information.
  • I’ve no idea what I should do = powinienem zrobić in such a situation.
  • He should have studied = powinien był studiować law and not engineering.
  • You should understand = powinieneś zrozumieć how difficult it is to help you.
  • She’s an actress. She should get = powinna otrzymać this part.
  • You should have been = powinieneś był być nicer to her. She liked you so much.
  • She shouldn’t argue = nie powinna kłócić się with her father. He means well.
  • The question of nuclear plants should be discussed = powinna być przedyskutowana in the parliament.