Liczba mnoga angielski ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenie Utwórz liczbę mnogą następujących rzeczowników w języku angielskim z wyrazów podanych na końcu zdań. Potrzebujesz pomocy? Rzeczowniki
1. How many have you visited? country
2. I saw two on the way here. wolf
3. Where are my ? key
4. There are twenty-five short in this book. story
5. Buy me three kilos of , please. kilo / potato
6. I'd like two tooth-, please. brush
7. Have you got any against him? proof
8. Those are really nasty. fly
9. I can see nothing but and of . roof / leaf / tree
10. Try to put it all on these two . shelf
11. There are no in the woods. cuckoo
12. I will keep your . watch
13. Boys will be . boy
14. Many soldiers lost their during this war. life
15. I have got two . handkerchief