Future Perfect mowa zależna

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Zastosowanie czasu Future Perfect
Charakterystyczne słówka w Future Perfect
Mowa zależna w czasie Future Perfect
Strona bierna w czasie Future Perfect
Ćwiczenia Future Perfect

"I will have written a letter by this time tomorrow", he says.
"Napiszę list jutro do tej pory", on mówi.
He says (that) he will have written a letter by this time tomorrow.
On mówi, że napisze list jutro do tej pory.
"I will have written a letter by this time tomorrow", he said.
"Napiszę list jutro do tej pory", on powiedział.
He said (that) he would have written a letter by that time the next day
the followig day.
On powiedział, że napisze list do tej pory następnego dnia.
He says (that) will will tomorrow tomorrow
He said (that) will would tomorrow the next day / the following day