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Articles: a, an, the, zero article - ćwiczenie

Ćwiczenie Wypełnij luki z a, an, the lub napisz x jeżeli nie ma żadnego 'article'. Pamiętaj, że stracisz punkty jeżeli poprosisz o podpowiedzi!

Potrzebujesz pomocy? Articles - objaśnienia

1. He is very nice man.
2. They are brave girls.
3. farmhouses in my village were rather poor.
4. He told me story of his life.
5. This is a good example.
6. roof of house was on fire.
7. We are pupils.
8. Those were interesting books.
9. Look at top of that tree.
10. I am good sailor.
11. frame of that picture is broken.
12. John has become driver.
13. It was very long way to go.
14. We stopped at door of his hut.
15. cover of my English book is red.
16; Henry and Peter were good sportsmen.
17. last days of my stay in London were most interesting.
18. She was good actress.
19. This is exception.
20. banks of river were very steep.
