Present perfect vs past simple

Ćwiczenie Wstaw wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiednim czasie albo Present Perfect lub Past Simple. Potrzebujesz pomocy? Czas Present Perfect Simple
I (see) Tom when I was in London. He hasn’t changed at all.
She (pass) her degree last year, then she got a job in London.
I (never / eat) octopus, but I (eat) lobster.
How many times (you / be) to the cinema this year?
When (they / get married) ?
Look at that! Someone (leave) the car door open!
I (just read) this newspaper article. It’s very good.
You (work) very hard recently.
I (learn) to speak a little English when I was at school.
- Oh now! I think I (break) my brother’s Cd player.