Prośby i odpowiedzi po angielsku

  • Could you move over, please?
  • Can I have a cup of tea?
  • Is it OK if I leave work early today?
  • Is it OK if I make a phone call?
  • Can I speak to you for a second?
  • Could you repeat that again, please?
  • Do you mind if I look at your books?
  • Do you mind if I turn the radio up?
  • Yes, sorry. I didn't realize you can't see the timetable.
  • I'm really thirsty.
  • Well, not really. We've got a lot of work to do.
  • Go ahead if it's a local one.
  • Sure, what about?
  • OK. I said we only have 20 minutes left.
  • Yes of course. You can borrow some if you want.
  • Oh sure - the remote's on the shelf over there.